Thursday, June 11, 2015

Aveda Goodies

This past week, after countless failed attempts at hanging out, the stars aligned and I finally got to hangout with my friend Sarah. As two humans with recklessly busy lives and hermit esque demeanors this was quite an accomplishment... a somewhat sad one since I should really make more time for friends but, an accomplishment none the less. She had promised to bring me some samples of shampoo she had been telling me about since my hair is in some serious need of nourishment and to my surprise she also brought me some other Aveda goodies from her salon. I couldn't be more excited because not only where they just what I needed in my life but, two of the products are even in my ever so favorite scent of lavender *heart eyes for days.*

She brought me the Aveda Stress-Fix Creme Cleansing Oil, Stress-Fix Composition Oil, and Dry Remedy Daily Moisturizing Oil. All of them are such awesome products and I'm glad she introduced me to them on so many levels. They all smell and feel amazing. Obviously I'm totally over the moon obsessed with the lavender scent from the Stress-Fix products but, the herbal scent from the moisturizing oil is almost as intoxicating. 

I really like the The Stress-Fix body cleanser and Dry Remedy Oil but, the Composition Oil is probably my favorite because it really calms my dry scalp. I have issues with eczema and this seems to really help calm and soothe by hydrating and locking in the moisture. I know that you can use this product other places as well but I prefer to use it on my scalp since it's the one place my skin gets really dry and irritated.  I've already noticed less redness which is a huge win in my book.

I'm pretty sure I need the whole Stress-Fix line plus the Aveda tea in my life ASAP so I can happily drown myself in lavender and herbal goodness. Thanks for the new obsession, Sarah... I'm ready to take me time to a whole other level. 

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