Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #25

Last week I vowed to live a more positive life and honestly it's way easier than I imagined that it would be. I can't say it's been a complete 180 turn around but, things have really been looking up. Sure, I still get anxious or flustered from time to time but, hey I'm not asking for miracles overnight here. I do have to note that I have been in a much better mood and things overall have just been on the up and up. I think it's a real understatement to say that the way that you think changes your life.
The more positive the vibe you give off the more positivity you receive in return. I feel like more and more frequently I am getting into random interactions with strangers who just randomly tell me how important it is to be positive. It's crazy 5 second interactions like those really keep me motivated. I feel like they are almost like little signs from the universe. *Thanks, universe!*

After coming to a better understanding of how like attracts like I feel like I'm progressing towards not allowing small bad things ruin a good moment, hour, day, week, or even year. It's not worth it to get caught up in little things that won't matter when there are so many things in life to celebrate. I'm not saying it isn't okay to be sad because trust me it totally is but, I am saying don't let life keep you down. Focus on the positive things in life and let those things overwhelm any negative business going on. Trust me, it makes life just a little bit easier. 

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