Thursday, August 18, 2016

ColourPop Ultra Metallic Lip Lights Out, Salt, & Man Eater | Review

I've been buying more false lashes than lipsticks lately which is pretty interesting to me considering the fact that I used to buy new lipsticks just about every week. Sometimes the tides change but they usually come back around. I was desperately missing some new lip products in my life so when Colourpop recently restocked their Ultra Metallic Lip products once again I figured I would give them a good run.

ColourPop's Ultra Metallic Lip line is as the name suggests on trend with all of the metallic liquid lips that are coming out but, until this point I'd never been too enticed to try any of them out. I wasn't too sure if I could pull off a metallic lip. In the end I figured I would never know if I didn't try (a great excuse to buy more makeup) and picked up three shades from the line - Lights Out, Salt, and Man Eater.) Lights Out is a soft gold metallic, Salt is a taupe metallic, and Man Eater is a rose gold metallic. 

[Top to Bottom: Man Eater, Salt, Lights Out]

The Ultra Metallic Lip line has a lovely mousse like formulation that vividly reminds me of their Ultra Satin Lip line. The metallic finish wears comfortably with a satin like feel that barely transfers for a wear that lasts 6-8 hours as long as greasy food isn't involved. A touch up here and there after eating and drinking may be necessary but it's an overall very low maintenance lip product. 

[Left to Right: Salt, Lights Out, Man Eater]

 I have found they look best paired with a lip liner because without one they look a bit unfinished since the lip line tends to look somewhat blurred from the metallic reflect of the product. Adding a liner not only polishes up the look but it also helps your lips look extra pretty and plump. I've also noticed because of the way that they dry down they also make a pretty nice metallic touch on the eyes. I'm not sure if they are technically "eye safe" but, I've used them around my eyes and haven't gone blind if that says anything about the matter.

Metallic lips might just have to be my thing for awhile. They really perk up even the most simple looks and honestly what's more to love than that. 

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