Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tea Talk Tuesday | Post #27

I feel like life has been getting better and better lately. Nothing super huge has happened or anything like that but, things have just been on the up and up. I'd like to thank a huge part of that to changing my attitude towards life. I never thought being a little more gracious and positive would make such a huge impact on the way I live my life. I have only made little changes and it's made a huge impact. This is a big reason as to why I think it's so important to be open minded to new thoughts and ways of living. I'm not saying you should be totally open and willing to join some cult that worships squirrels but, I mean, being open to not being a negative miserable twat all the time might do ya life some good. 

Now, I'm not saying that I have evolved into a free loving, constantly positive person because I haven't by any means. I still get sad, annoyed, upset, et cetera, et cetera. The only difference is that I don't let negative thoughts or feelings overwhelm and clutter my thoughts any more. I've decided to pull the positive out of negative situations even if it's something really minute, not dwell on things I have no control over, and just talking myself out of any stupid negative random thoughts that are really me just jumping to silly conclusions. Letting go of all of that negativity and focusing on the things I can control and the things that I am thankful for has made life a hell of a lot easier. The whole positive thinking thing has let me focus on my own happiness and bettering myself.

What can I say, sometimes you gotta grab the reins and control your own destiny. There is no point in being stressed about things you have no control over so you might as well focus on the things that you can change in order to make yourself happy... I'm just saying, it helps. 

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